Stress Management for Teens Add a Little Creativity

Stress management for teens living in this 21st century is becoming more challenging all the time.  On these pages we have talked about constructive and positive strategies teens can use, but sometimes the amount of issues bombarding today’s youth makes it difficult for them to find a focus.

Here is a different kind of solution.  To provide much needed stress management strategies and help teens find a sense of direction, I suggest that they take some time out of their busy schedule and create a Goals Collage.

In a former career, I worked at several museums, creating educational programs.  So the idea of creating an art project with teens, is something I have experienced and found to have provided positive results.  Art can be fun for anyone—regardless of whether they believe they are artistically inclined.

The purpose of creating a goals collage is that your teen can display the work of art near where she does her homework, or in her personal space.  A collage is a technique of assembling a pictorial theme by pasting on one surface numerous materials and images to create a visual message.  The purpose of creating a goal collage is to express your values, interests, personality traits and the skill sets you possess.  These combined personal attributes are the tools your teen can use to achieve a life goal or life direction.

Having a positive image of what your teenager wants to achieve is a great motivator to help her complete school work that may be difficult.  When times get tough, encourage your teen’s striving to improve skill sets she may need later.

Developing the Goal Collage includes the following steps.

1. Have your teen describe her personal attributes by answering these questions.
    • What values does she embrace that she does not want to compromise?
    • What personal interests and activities does she enjoy with her leisure time?
    • How does she describe her personality type?
    • What skills sets does she possess or wish to develop?

2. How does your teen wish to use these combined attributes in the future? What goal does she wish to pursue?

3. To create the collage, collect materials that represent the attributes and goal that your teen has described.

4. Find a base paper or flat material upon which the images can be arranged.

5. Arrange the materials on the base and glue in place. Of course, you can also create a digital collage if you have the computer program.


Here is an example of a collage that was created to illustrate how the arranged images can provide a positive message for your teen.  There are 9 images in this collage.  The creator has a goal of becoming a writer for a travel magazine.  Notice the two pictures of places she has visited with her family on vacation. 

The “to do” list and clock represent her personality traits of being thoughtful and orderly.  She likes to plan ahead.  Her interests and hobbies include tennis and cooking, both of which she can include as part of her travel magazine writing.  Of course, she is practicing her writing skills, which is probably going to become an integral part of her further schooling. 

Having a visual depiction of goals that your teenager is striving toward can allow the chaos of school, friends, social activities and college decisions to be put into perspective.  Being creative is a great stress management for teens and is an outlet for tensions and anxieties.

Life as a teenager is complex and getting more stressful all the time.  Having a clear sense of purpose and developing a list of personal attributes can provide self confidence for your teen.  Stress management for teens is a part of growing up in this crazy world.

Stress Management for Teens Can Come From a Job

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